TriStar Wins Guns & Ammo Shotgun of the Year
TriStar Earns G&A Honor

Guns & Ammo Magazine has honored the TriStar Arms Viper G2 .410 with the title of Shotgun of the Year 2019. Among the factors Guns & Ammo editors, contributors, and staff evaluated were: what was new and innovative in 2019, were what provided best value, reliability, and the greatest impact to the most readers.

The December, 2019 issue of Guns & Ammo begins the description of the shotgun with, "...the new Tristar Viper G2 Bronze offers handsome reliability and the option to chamber a 3-inch shell in a sub-6-pound, value-rich semiautomatic." 2019 Guns & Ammo of the Year. (19AD, December). Guns & Ammo, 63(12), 59-59.
The Viper G2 Bronze .410 certainly earned points for reliability as the article continues, "We had no failures to report after shooting thousands of 2 1/2- and 3-inch shells through several samples in the field and on various skeet and sporting clay ranges."

"Adult and youth shooters alike enjoy the soft-recoiling .410 shot shell. With the Viper G2 Bronze .410, Tristar Arms has brought a reliable, lightweight, and quick-handling semi-auto to market. The success of this shotgun has inspired new models and variants which we look forward to introducing soon, " said Ryan Bader, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Tristar Arms.