Ruger Presents: The Fundamentals of Firearms Ownership
Part 1: Introduction

It's no secret that there have been unprecedented numbers of first-time gun owners purchasing firearms in 2020. COVID-19, social unrest, calls for defunding police forces, and being an election year have all played a part.
Those of us in the industry, as well as the firearms community itself, welcome these new firearms owners. However, it is a responsibility of all to help educate the millions of first-time buyers.
Our long-term partner Ruger has begun a new series of videos with those new owners in mind. We will be posting that series here on the Gallery of Guns blog.
Part Four is now up and covers Range Etiquette. In addition to being a new firearms owner, you are also probably new to shooting ranges. Don't worry - it's not some super-secret club that has arcane, rocket-science level rules and procedures BUT there are some very basic thing that you should know. EVERYTHING is about safety.
Scroll down for the other videos in this series. More to come....
PART FIVE - Range Safety Equipment
Mark Gurney covers some very important tips about safety at the range.
PART FOUR - Range Etiquette
Mark Gurney covers some of these things to consider when you are at the range practicing. These points will help you, and everyone else, have a fun, educational, and SAFE day at the range.
PART THREE - Safe Storage
Part Three covers Safe Storage. In addition, to "The Four Rules" detailed below in Part 2, you should also *always* maintain control of your firearm. Mark Gurney of Ruger gives us the lowdown...
PART TWO - Safety Rules
Part Two is now up and covers Safety Rules - specifically, "The Four Rules". Although there are many "sets" of rules that have been published, it is Col. Jeff Cooper's Four Rules of Gun Safety that is taught and practiced by GunSite Academy here in Arizona.
Here is the introductory video:
Stay tuned for more as we continue this series with Ruger...
Helpful links: