Ruger, Taurus, Weatherby, Mossberg

Ashely Honea of Guns&Ammo returns to demonstrate the Ruger LC9S in Muddy Girl Camo. Accompanying Ashley and co-hosts Aaron Gallagher and Anne-Marie Rhodes are Jessie Duff, Professional Shooter, and Dave Miles of Mossberg. Jessie Duff shows off the Taurus 24/7 G2 Compact 45AP, Taurus 24/7 G2 9MM, and Weatherby SA-08 Waterfowl MAX-5. Dave Miles presents the Mossberg Blaze 47, which looks and feels like an AK-47 but offers the easy-handling 22LR platform. Make sure to stay tuned as Aaron introduces episode 3’s “Cool-To-Own.”
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