Glock, LaserLyte, Beretta, Remington

Ashley Honea of Guns&Ammo discusses and demos the features and capabilities of Glock’s 42 380 pistol alongside co-host Anne-Marie Rhodes. Accompanying Anne-Marie and Ashley will be Aaron Moore of LaserLyte, Sabastian Fratto of Beretta, Ed Mazzeo of Remington, and co-host Aaron Gallagher. Aaron Moore will be demonstrating LaserLyte’s HIPOINT 9/380 and Glock 42 Laser sights. Halftime show? Catch the “Cool-To-Own” firearm of the week! Ed Mazzeo demonstrates what the Remington 783 Rifle is made of just before Sabastian gets up-close and personal with Beretta’s functional and affordable 686 Silver Pigeon 1.
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