Bought Your First Gun? - Welcome to the Community of Gun Owners

Know that as a first-time firearm owner - you are welcome to this community...

NSSF President Bartozzi Extends Welcome to New Gun Owners

Millions of you are brand new first-time gun owners.

Those of us in the firearms owning community welcome you with open arms. There is no lack of information available to help you become familiar and, indeed, comfortable with the ownership of your new firearm. However, there is a lot of bad information out there as well.

You can count on Gallery of Guns to bring you the most accurate, and dependable, information to help you in this journey. Here's a great video from the NSSF to help you get started.

You can also search the Gallery of Guns blog as we have posted, and will continue to post, valuable tips and info for first-time firearms owners.

Other helpful links:

Ruger's Fundamentals of Firearms Ownership series

Gallery of Guns Firearms Fundamentals

Where to Shoot

Where to Hunt